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406 North Main Street
Post Office Box 9
Campobello, SC 29322
Phone: 864-468-4545
Fax: 864-472-4149
Police Department
For all EMERGENCIES call

Preventing crime while protecting life, property and individual rights is the priority of our department. Accordingly, the Campobello Police Department provides a wide range of police services to assist our citizens with quality of life issues related to crime prevention and control.
As chief of police I am committed to the Campobello community. The extension of this commitment is my belief that the only way to combat crime is to work in cooperation with community members. I firmly believe that true crime prevention can only be achieved when the focus of police activity is shifted away from
simple call response to that of proactive problem solving identification that focuses on solving those problems before they become crime.
As chief of police I will ensure the continued spirit of police-community cooperation by requiring police officers to be more than just law enforcement officers. I will encourage them to be community activists. I am proud of the men of the Campobello Police Department who continue to dedicate their lives to something larger than themselves...professional policing.
Chris Miller
Chief of Police