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Municipal Court


Municipal Court​


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Judge Vickie Rae Smith
Judge Vickie Rae Smith.jpg

Town Hall
406 N. Main Street
Campobello, SC

Judge Smith was appointed as the Municipal Judge for the Town of Campobello in September 15, 2010.  Having been appointed as Magistrate for District Four of Spartanburg County in June, 1992, Judge Smith also serves as Municipal Judge for the cities of Woodruff and Duncan, South Carolina.

Raised in Anderson and Greenville Counties, Judge Smith graduated Greenville County Schools and also Greenville School of Nursing.  After working for Greenville Hospital System, managing a multi-specialty Internal Medicine Practice of Physicians for fifteen years, owning a Professional Cleaning Service and working with The Greenville County Mental Retardation Association as Head Nurse and Counselor for twelve years, Judge Smith married Milton Smith, then owner of several local weekly published newspapers.

Court Schedule     

2nd Wednesday of each month

Jury Information


Every party to a case to be tried in the municipal court is entitled to a jury trial.  Unless a jury trial is requested, however, cases are heard and decided by a neutral and detached magistrate.  Trials before a magistrate, without a jury, are called bench trials.  Both the State and the defendant have the right to request a jury trial at any time prior to the commencement of the bench trial in a criminal matter.  Both the Plaintiff and the Defendant have the right to request a jury trial, but in civil cases, the request must be made at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled bench trial.   Requests for jury trials may be made orally, but it is preferred that they be made in writing so that there will be a record of the request.


Jury Duty


Every party to a case to be tried in the municipal court is entitled to a jury trial.  Unless a jury trial is requested, however, cases are heard and decided by a neutral and detached magistrate.  Trials before a magistrate, without a jury, are called bench trials.  Both the State and the defendant have the right to request a jury trial at any time prior to the commencement of the bench trial in a criminal matter.  Both the Plaintiff and the Defendant have the right to request a jury trial, but in civil cases, the request must be made at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled bench trial.   Requests for jury trials may be made orally, but it is preferred that they be made in writing so that there will be a record of the request.


Disqualifications, Exemptions and Excuses




The Judge may determine that you are not allowed to serve as a juror if you have been convicted in a State or Federal court of a crime punishable by more than one year imprisonment and your civil rights have not been restored by pardon or amnesty; or you are unable to read, write, speak or understand the English language; or if you are unable to render efficient jury service due to mental or physical infirmity (legal blindness will not by itself disqualify you); or if you have less than a 6th grade education (or its equivalent). Failure to state such disqualifying fact is punishable as contempt of court. Additionally, no clerk or deputy clerk of court, constable, sheriff, probate judge, county commissioner, magistrate, county officer or any person employed within the walls of any courthouse is eligible as a juror.




You may choose to serve or not serve if you are over sixty-five years of age or if you were summoned within the past calendar year as a juror in the Campobello Municipal Court, and you were present at all times required by the summons. The judge must approve your request for exemption, and if your request is approved, your obligation to serve, imposed by this summons, is over.




You may ask to be excused from jury service by the presiding judge if you can show a good and sufficient reason by application filed with the court showing why you should not have to serve. Typical reasons may include temporary or permanent physical disability or legal custody and the duty of care of a child under seven years of age. Any person having custody and the duty of care of a child under seven will be excused by the judge if that person furnishes an affidavit to this court stating that he or she is unable to provide adequate care while performing jury duty. You must still appear at the location designated on your juror summons on the date and at the time indicated unless the court advises you otherwise.


Jury Pay


Jurors are paid $10.00 per day for service in the municipal court. You will be paid if you are present and able to serve even though you are not chosen for service on a particular jury. 


Jury Trials

Trials are set by municipal judge during each quarter. 





 406 North Main Street 
 Campobello, SC  29322

 Phone: 864-468-4545

 Fax: 864-472-4149




P.O. Box 9

Campobello, SC 29322





Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Closed most State & Federal holidays


For assistance after hours, call 

(864) 596-2222


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